Select layers and Photos

Hey Alon quick question

Is it possible to take select images in a comp and then add a marker for each image selected with it start position. Then precomp with the markers on the precomp layer.

The reason for all that would love to just add all images to a comp, then move them around with markers on just one precomp layer.

Hi @zeekdaville,

Sure, but i am not sure if i got all the details about the exact functionality of the automation.

From what i understood, you want to precompose all the selected images within a comp, and generate a marker for every layer in it at the in point,

than you want to be able to move the markers on this precomp, and the layers will be moved within it automatically to match the markers.

base on that i created 2 automation -

  1. Precompose all the selected layers within the active comp and generates a marker for each layers in point.

  2. Synchronizes all the layers within the selected Precomp with the markers that have a corresponding name. (also sets the output to the next marker)

Download -
Comine (2.3 KB)
Sync (2.1 KB)

Please let me know if you have any questions

Yes Alon like the Comine Layers but im having problems. I have to hit the comine layers twice before it adds markers to the precomp. Also when i move the markers it does timeremap or move the layers across the timeline from the precomp. Also even if the start in are same as other layers or images it doesn’t add the other selected layers as markers but only the first layer with that start position and time.Just want to adjust the layers positions with the marker precomp. Also is it possible you could make one with the start in and out. Thank Alon your program and programing skills are one of the best.

@zeekdaville ,
The problems arise because of wrong usage,

The Combine Layers automation -

  1. first precomps the selected layers in the active comp → so if you use it on a precomp instead of multiple image layers it won’t work as expected.
    (because now you have a precomp within a precomp)
  2. only after it generate markers, so it will genarate only 1 marker if there is only 1 layer inside.

Here is an example of the correct way of using this automation -

if you already have an existing precomp layer in your active composition, you can use this new automation that only generates markers for the selected precomp -
(this is a replacement option for the “Combine Layers”)

Download -
Generate (1.7 KB)

Wow I was doing it wrong now i understand. Man you are a good man.

Alon is it possible to do a script if select a image in the project folder then it adds to the composition where the timeline bars position is and then adds a precomp marker.

Also another script if possible, to add a marker on a audio file once it hits the threshold of 0 at the being then add a marker at the end where is there is no audio signal?

Hi @zeekdaville ,
i found a bug in the “Generate Markers” and “Combine Layers” that i sent you earlier where the markers doesn’t created in the correct order,
so here are the new fixed versions -
Sync Layers (2.5 KB)
Comine Layers (2.4 KB)
Generate Markers (2.1 KB)

yes but you can also add the image to the composition manually and click on Generate Markers and then on Sync Layers and it will add the marker and update the edit too.

If you want it as a separate automation you can use this one -
(it add the selected image from the project panel the the selected precomp layer at the time indicator and refresh the markers and the edit)

Download -
Add (3.9 KB)

i am not quite sure what do you mean by threshold of 0, maybe you can send me an example of what should it do in a youtube video? or try to explain it further.

Wow Mr. Shemer you play no games when it comes to scripts. You are timely and professional. I respect you for good catering and work.

I have a music file (mp3) and a video music file (.Mp4) that i dropped into the composition. Im just trying to sync a video music file to a mp3 music file. The video music starts later than the actually .mp3 music file so i figured if i could get a marker on the 0db where the audio starts on the video file then put a marker on the start of music mp3 file .Then i could marker sync video music file to match or sync to the mp3 music file. That way the video audio could be lined up to the music file, word for word, lip synch to lip synch.

Also if you could put a marker at the end and for sync make time stretch one to the other would be just as nice. 0db is Normal and Standard Audio Volume. This is where the level usually could be heard. -72db is when volume fader is low and barely could be heard.

Hi @zeekdaville, thanks for the detailed explanation!

it sounds quite complicated and I am not sure if it is even possible.
If you think it is possible to automate, maybe you can send me a screen recording via youtube link of you doing it manually as the automation needs to replicate, and then I will be sure if it possible or not and what exactly needs to be done.

Alon don’t worry about the audio marker sync.

But for the Sync Layers v2 when I move the markers it doesn’t sync the keyframes in the transform or property effects. I might have a photo that is fading markers, and the sync layer will move the photo, but it won’t move the keyframes in the Property Effects…

The “Sync Layers v2” should move the keyframes too,
it moves the start time of the layer thus shifting all the keyframes with it.

@zeekdaville Can you attach a youtube video, screen recording showing how it works now with keyframes, and how you want it to work?

I hope this information will make it easier to solve the issue.

Thank Alon

will recheck it out.